I need you leann rimes
I need you leann rimes

i need you leann rimes

Performed by American country pop artist LeAnn Rimes, it was released on July 18, 2000, as a single from Jesus: Music From and Inspired by the Epic Mini-Series. Singles released from this album include, in order of release: 'Blue', 'Hurt Me', 'One Way Ticket (Because I.

i need you leann rimes

1 It peaked at number three on the US Billboard 200, and number one on the Top Country Albums chart. Cover CD LeAnn Rimes Curb 2001 “I Need You” is a song written by Dennis Matkosky and Ty Lacy. Sold by Media Brothers Unlimited and ships from Amazon Fulfillment. Blue is the debut studio album by American country singer LeAnn Rimes, released in the United States on July 9, 1996, by Curb Records.

I need you leann rimes